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PERIOD Podcast

Period podcast is a space for menstruators and their friends to learn all about the biology and culture of the menstrual cycle. Kate Clancy, biological anthropologist and period enthusiast, interviews scholars and people with relevant lived experiences to share their thinking. Come for the period jokes, stay for the science.

May 8, 2020

Well, we were going to talk menstrual stigma, but then the pandemic happened. Join me and Drs. Amber Wutich and Alex Brewis as we talk about stigma - what it is, how it affects people, and its repercussions on health. Race is playing a significant role in how stigma is laying on people through this pandemic - first through where this novel coronavirus originated, and then through who seems to have the worse health outcomes. Race-related stigma is allowing us to scapegoat certain groups, which has profound consequences for how we handle this disease and help those who are most affected. Please be sure to check out more from Drs. Wutich and Brewis through their new book, Lazy, Crazy, and Disgusting: Stigma and the Undoing of Global Health (there's even a coupon code if you click the link!). They also have a fabulous blog, Diagnosis: Human, and recent posts elaborate on the things we talk about in this episode.